KotiUusiokäyttöideatHow else do housewives use plastic bottle caps: 5 irreplaceable situations

How else do housewives use plastic bottle caps: 5 irreplaceable situations

Plastic bottle caps are an item that we often throw away without even thinking about how much useful stuff we can make from them. But they can serve as an excellent material for creating useful and interesting things! 

Let’s look at five options for how you can amazingly transform ordinary plastic lids and, with minimal effort, turn them into an original decorative element or even a fully-fledged useful thing in the household. This is a great way not only to show your imagination and skill, but also to make your home a little more unique and cozy. So, what can you transform modest plastic lids into?


Firstly, you can make an original and practical rug for a bathroom or toilet from such lids . To do this, you will need a fishing line, a needle and lots and lots of lids. Using a hot needle, make holes in the lids on the sides and connect them with a fishing line into a long strip. It is advisable to make cross-shaped holes for reliable fixation. Show your imagination – create a patterned rug of an unusual shape! Such a product is waterproof, durable and looks great in a bathroom or toilet.


Secondly, you can make spectacular curtains from lids using a similar method . You will need a fishing line, a needle, a wooden block, screws and a lot of lids. String them on the fishing line, tie knots, hang them on the screws in the block – and an unusual ”bead” curtain is ready! True, it can jingle, so it is better not to hang it in the bedroom.


Thirdly, by gluing the plastic lids together, we get excellent dry coasters for hot dishes . They are not afraid of either moisture or high temperatures. 


Fourthly, creative housewives can cover garden furniture with sheets of plastic caps instead of fabric. This option is feasible for both chairs and a table, the upper part of which can also be covered with a ”carpet” of caps. 


Fifthly, in addition to the stand, the caps will be useful for other purposes. For example, you can create a lamp with an original lampshade . The design can also be made from caps – if you glue them in the shape of a Rubik’s cube so that the rounded parts look outward, you will get a unique design development! 

So don’t throw away those lids – turn them into useful and stylish home accessories!

Niko Ahlqvist
Niko Ahlqvist
Hei. Nimeni on Göta ja olen tämän ihanan viestin kirjoittaja. Ehkä se koskee puutarhanhoitoa tai ehkä se koskee ruokaa. Tai ehkä se on elämänohje. Joka tapauksessa, kun sain tietää siitä, kävin sen läpi, kokeilin sitä käytännössä ja kirjoitin siitä teille. Hyvä lukija.


  1. Ensinnäkin voit tehdä alkuperäisen ja käytännöllisen maton kylpyhuoneeseen tai vessaan tällaisista kansista. Tähän tarvitset kalastuslangan, neulan ja paljon kansia. Kuumalla neulalla tee reikiä kansiin sivuille ja yhdistä ne kalastuslangalla pitkäksi nauhaksi. On suositeltavaa tehdä ristinmuotoiset reiät luotettavaa kiinnitystä varten. Näytä mielikuvitus – luo epätavallisen muotoinen kuvioitu matto! Tällainen tuote on vedenkestävä, kestävä ja näyttää upealta kylpyhuoneessa tai vessassa.


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